
Create baby videos pour iPhone

  • Gratuit

  • En Français
  • V 2.2
  • 4.9

  • État de sécurité

Avis Softonic

Créez des vidéos pour bébés

Create baby videos is a free iPhone app developed by Mireia Lluch Ortola. It falls under the multimedia category and offers a simple and user-friendly interface for creating adorable baby videos.

With this app, you can choose videos or photos from your gallery and select your favorite baby frame to add a cute touch. The photos can be adjusted to fit the frames by zooming in, zooming out, rotating, and moving with your fingers.

One of the standout features of Create baby videos is the option to select a song for the video or mute it completely. This allows you to personalize the final video according to your preferences. Once you're satisfied with your creation, simply press "GO" to generate the final video.

The app also allows you to save and share your greetings videos with your mobile's social networking apps, making it easy to spread joy and share precious moments with your loved ones.

Overall, Create baby videos is a free and easy-to-use app that provides a wide range of baby photo frame designs and the flexibility to customize your videos. It's a great tool for creating heartwarming and memorable baby videos to cherish and share.

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Create baby videos pour iPhone

  • Gratuit

  • En Français
  • V 2.2
  • 4.9

  • État de sécurité

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